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04/08/24 @ 4:00pm -
04/08/24 @ 4:45pm
CM Amphitheater
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04/08/24 @ 4:00pm -
04/08/24 @ 4:45pm
CM Amphitheater
04/09/24 @ 11:00am -
04/09/24 @ 11:45am
Main Floor
Wilmington-Main Library
<p>Join us for stories, music and sensory play. This program is intended for children ages 0-3 but all are welcome to attend.</p>
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04/09/24 @ 2:30pm -
04/09/24 @ 3:30pm
CM Conference Room
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04/09/24 @ 4:00pm -
04/09/24 @ 5:00pm
Wilmington-Main Library
04/09/24 @ 5:30pm -
04/09/24 @ 6:30pm
Wilmington-Main Library
<p>This program is designed for children 6 to 12. We will have a different art process each session. The kids need to only bring their creativity. Held every other Tuesday at 5:30pm.</p>
04/10/24 @ 10:30am -
04/10/24 @ 11:30am
Children's Room
Wilmington-Main Library
<p>Join us for stories, music and a small craft. This program is intended for ages 3 and up but all are welcome to attend.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
04/10/24 @ 11:00am -
04/10/24 @ 12:00pm
Friends of the Library Room
Wilmington-Main Library
<p>Enjoy knitting, crochet, or needlepoint? Bring your supplies and join other crafters as we work on our projects together. All skill levels are welcome.</p>
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04/10/24 @ 2:30pm -
04/10/24 @ 3:30pm
CM Conference Room
04/11/24 @ 10:30am -
04/11/24 @ 11:30am
Wilmington-Main Library
<p>This program is designed for Homeschoolers ages 7-14. We will have a fun activity and snacks! Held the 2nd and 4th Thursday at 10:30am.</p>
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04/11/24 @ 4:00pm -
04/11/24 @ 7:00pm
Kirk A & B
Wilmington-Main Library