The Wilmington Public Library of Clinton County is committed to protecting the rights of individuals to use library materials and services, to protect the rights of library employees and volunteers to conduct library business without interference, to ensure the use of the buildings, materials, and services by the greatest number of individuals, to preserve those materials and facilities from harm, and to ensure the safety of library patrons, employees, and volunteers. To achieve these goals, the Library has established Standards of Behavior.
Library employees are authorized to bring to an individual’s attention any act or omission that violates these rules and detracts from the decorum of the library. Such an individual will be asked to change his or her behavior to conform to the rules. If such change is not evident or forthcoming that individual will be asked to leave the library building and library property. If the individual does not leave on his own, police may be called for assistance.
Depending on the severity of the misbehavior, individuals who have been asked to leave the building and property may be barred from returning to the library. Individuals who have been barred may be asked to talk to the director or his designee before being readmitted. Juveniles may be asked to bring a parent or guardian to such a conference.
Any misconduct that hinders the use of the library or library materials is prohibited.
Such misconduct might include but is not limited to:
The following are not permitted anywhere on a library property:
1. Any misconduct that hinders the use of the library including, but not limited to: profane language or any behavior annoying to others
2. Physical or verbal threats or abuse
3. Defacing furniture, fixtures, or any other library property
4. Solicitation
5. Interfering with the access, egress, or use of the library by the placement of objects or by use of wheeled devices
6. Commission of an illegal or unauthorized act against the patrons, personnel, or property of the library, i.e. theft, trespass, assault, arson, etc.
The following are not permitted inside a library building or attached patio:
1. Any misconduct that hinders the use of the library or library materials including, but not limited to: loud talking, profane language, or any behavior annoying to others
2. Physical or verbal threats or abuse
3. Defacing furniture, books, or any other library property
4. Solicitation
5. Using personal listening equipment at a level that can be heard by others
6. Smoking in any form that produces a visible vapor
7. Tobacco use in any form
8. Eating or drinking in areas where it is not permitted, or in a way that is disruptive
9. Loitering
10. Possession of alcohol, illegal drugs, or weapons
11. Skateboards, basketballs, and other athletic equipment
12. Wearing a swimsuit without some manner of shirt, shorts, shoes, or other appropriate body coverings
13. Running
14. Sleeping
15. Animals, except for service animals or animals brought for a library-sponsored event.
16. Emitting offensive and pervasive odors, having visible presence of pests on one’s person, belongings or Library materials
17. Commission of an illegal or unauthorized act against the patrons, personnel, or property of the library, i.e. theft, trespass, assault, arson, etc.
Please note:
1. The library reserves the right to limit the number of individuals who may sit together.
2. The library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases, packs, personal listening equipment, etc. for library materials or public property.
The above rules will be posted prominently in the library.
Any staff member involved with patrons who, because of the severity of their infraction of the above rules, have been asked to leave the building must complete an Incident Report.
This guideline was established by the Director, August 2019